Friday, October 17, 2014

Two Unlikely Finds

 October 17, 2014
                                   Two Unlikely Finds

      One would think that a major conglomerate corporation like Koch Industries would have more than its share of recorded complaints by employees and customers, especially after being called “evil” by media elites (Last Resistance, 2014). The shear number of employees would statistically help any researcher find the trouble spots and exploit the corporations insidious corruption, especially evidence of top heavy leadership that only grinds to the daily accumulation of dollars sounds. Contrasting that to a company that has historically been viewed by millions of Americans as the partner with Habitat for Humanity and the store where one can find exactly what one  needs. After viewing accumulated articles and searching for the good and the bad, it is clear that Koch Industries lets the people innovate leadership weighs in far above Home Depot’s style of  pay the top and play it safe leadership.

     Fred Koch started an engineering firm, which led to the present day Koch Industries.  His son, Charles, has taken it to new heights by simply having an attitude of building, rather than playing it safe. Charles and his brother David have actively sought “to train each of the company's 60,000 employees to act as if they own the portion of the business they oversee” (Fisher, D., 2012). They call it Market Based Management, which encourages everyone to think of ways to innovate, which can lead to even assembly line workers earning big bonuses.

Contrasting Koch’s ideas to Home Depot’s mission and values, one gleans similarities. (California Sate University, 2011).

“The Home Depot is in the home improvement business and our goal is to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products and the most competitive prices. We are a values-driven company and our eight core values include the following:
  • Excellent customer service
  • Taking care of our people
  • Giving back
  • Doing the "right" thing
  • Creating shareholder value
  • Respect for all people
  • Entrepreneurial spirit 
  • Building strong relationships

              Further research, however, reveals ongoing complaints by customers and employees at Home Depot. Taking into account all factors, the problem seems to lie with leadership. The lack of oversight, discontinued promotion of the original vision, top heavy attitudes, and cut backs on employee benefits have all contributed to this negative portrayal, which now exists at Home Depot. Contrary to the current CEO’s thrust that “returned the focus to the customer by dedicating more workers to the sales floor and increasing store employees’ compensation” (Townsend, 2014) employees continue to suggest that that is not the case.

                     Koch, on the other hand, has pursued a unique upgrade into its employee compensation packages and one sees a new investment into philanthropic work specifically targeting conserving America’s traditional values. Millions are being spent by Koch to educate young adults how to be future leaders, entrepreneurs,  and on supporting conservative political actions (Koch C., 2001). Even on advertised job sites, Koch uses the words “servant leaders” to describe their key requirements (simply hired, 2014).

                  Media loves to hate the Koch brothers. Unfortunately for the attackers, there is rarely any truth to the media attempts to discredit the Koch's. As far as one can tell, these brothers have brushed such frenzied biased attacks off and continue to pursue a more Americana United States. They have even learned to go green and take responsibility for innovations that may potentially harm the environment. The CEO of Georgia-Pacific (a Koch company) is quick to enforce the idea that innovation and change must occur to bring sustainability to the environments they operate in (Smith, 2014).
            Koch has a great mission statement but what is so impressive is their added keys to success:

Our success is determined primarily by how well we utilize our combined knowledge to anticipate and meet
changing customer needs. Full use of this knowledge requires we create a culture in which people:
        •are open and receptive

        •treat each other with care and respect

  • are provided the necessary education and information, and
  • are given the opportunity to make meaningful contributions.
  •  We strive to transform our knowledge into profitable activity by improving decision-making processes. This includes:
  • clearly articulating individual responsibilities based on each person’s comparative advantages
       •ensuring that everyone understands how his or her activities contribute to profits, and

        •providing incentives for everyone to focus on advancing the mission. (

Education, is a key factor for Koch’s success and they want all their 60,000 employees to utilize that in a way that personally helps them be innovative. Personal note to self: Send Koch Industries your resume!

           Home Depot on the other hand continues to mislead towns with their “do the right thing” persona. Their lack of maintaining the grounds they build brick and mortar Home Depot stores on has led to townships attempting to close down stores in their area. However, one must acknowledge the philanthropic giving of many Home Depots throughout the nation, especially when natural disasters hit and with their generous partnership with Habitat for Humanity enabling the less fortunate to live in new homes.

             Home Depot’s CEO, Robert Nardelli, was let go in 2007 but given $210 million dollars as a severance. In 2012 he was named “one of the worst CEO’s of all time” (Tobac). While at the helm of Home Depot he would stringently limit shareholders from talking in a meeting (Toronto Star) and take bonuses during low sale years. The new CEO got Home Depot back on top, as far as market sales go, but online complaints by employees are quick to say the leaders have taken work hours and  benefits away by putting more of the workload on the least paid employees. Instead of building a better work atmosphere for the employees, Home Depot has concentrated on profit only. On November 1 of this year, Craig Menear will take over as the new CEO (Townsend, 2014). One wonders if he will implement a more servant leader environment.

               Home Depot would do well to learn from the Koch brothers’ true incentives geared toward its employees and the bonuses given for innovation. Both companies are givers to their communities but Koch is spending a large sum of its wealth on the future of America and does not seek personal gain, so much as freedom for all. Many years from now history will show Home Depot’s corporate greed and, comparatively, give the Koch brothers their well earned place as one of the most prophetic and creative leaders in the modern world.


Fisher, D. (n.d). INSIDE THE KOCH EMPIRE. Forbes, 190(11), 84-+. Retrieved from


Jensen, D. P. (2006). Home Depot agrees to clean up its act for permit. Salt Lake Tribune, The

(UT), Retrieved from

Koch, C. (1978). Business Can Have Free Enterprise--If It Dares. Business & Society Review

(00453609), (28), Retrieved from
(n.d). Costly victory for shareholders. Toronto Star (Canada).,



Smith, Tricia 2014,d.aWw

Tobac, Steve. 2014. Retrieved from,

Townsend, Matt. 2014. Retrieved from,

Koch Industries Mission Statement (n.d.)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

 Love is a Fiat
The Economics of Life and Love

A recent article titled, “I’ve Changed My Mind, Sodom is About Inhospitality” 
( points to the differences between Abraham’s hospitality and Sodom’s inhospitality. There are some very good points in the article but it misses a beat: a very important beat. When we read Tom Jensen’s article, “Birth Control” ( something clicks; a totality of truth:

  • “Bishop Fulton Sheen said, "The love between spouses is so real and so tangible that in nine months, you might have to give it a name." Spouses should realize that marital love is a participation in God’s creative act and that babies are good, not burdens to be avoided at all costs; especially the cost of poisoning women with dangerous chemicals so they can be available for sexual pleasure. Medicine is for sick people, not healthy people. Pregnancy and motherhood are not diseases.”

Man craves union but will slide from certain unions that demand transformation if his passions are distorted. In his desire for union, man seeks truly a bond of affirmation and love. It is innate in all of us because we are created out of love, by the one who is Love. Those that agree with that statement will want to explore the aspect of “rejection” more thoroughly with relation to Love itself. One rejects the Creator when contraception is used. One in essence says, “I need and want this sex act but do not want the fruit that could potentially be co-created during the act.”

Males who embrace God’s will, will want to reconsider his wife’s use of contraception. If you are willing to put her in harms way for your personal gratification, what does that say about your “cherishing” comment at the altar or your call to “love her as Christ love’s the church”? A switch in perception; a further opening in one’s life to truth, enlivens the souls desire for a pure love and a closer relationship to Love itself.

Women will want to remember their dignity in God’s eyes and the call to bind hearts for the greater glory of God. In essence, we are called to communicate what communion is to humanity. In our daily walk with modern man, we love with our words, our actions, and our union with God’s will. Let us bring to others what overflows from our union with God. In this communication, our union with a spouse asks for a complete giving that excludes contraception. In this way, we show our love for life and our openness to all children living in the world today and those that God wills to be born.

Both men and women give and embrace a fiat when they choose to walk with Christ. We allow the very words, “Be it done unto me according to Thy will” to be an organic mission statement. In truth, we accept Christ’s vision for the world and walk with Him, carrying our crosses and growing in the realization that those crosses were meticulously and uniquely made for each one of us so that we may know the Father. 

It may seem to one that life without contraception is too weighted and the cross to heavy.  But, in the end, you realize, some of those crosses you carried, were never given to you by the Creator; you let the world choose them for you. When we put down such supposed crosses we begin to walk with peace. Our unique and real crosses become doable and an odd sort of joy enlivens our step because our little world has opened up further still, blossoming into a communion that transcends earth and reaches Heaven.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ending the American Experiment

August 30, 2014
Ending the American Experiment

The economics of civic unrest, which escalates into a frenzied looters oasis, will hurt the poor more than it will the rich. No one is shocked to see the Sharpton’s of the world out in their defiant stance promoting violence, while our president once again manipulates Congress to increase his power. That is the Alinsky mindset and for those who were once mindful of what could occur under these conditions you are either:

1. Aware of the sign of the times and deeply understand what will happen if we do not, as a nation, come to our senses quickly.
2. Given up caring and no longer are able to discern the sign of the times. We have in a real sense, become our own worse enemies.

You can delete certain Republicans from the list of those who we once trusted to promote the common good. These modern fat cats have sold out time after time. Little sins add up to bigger sins and there is no better proof of such a fact than the modern Rino. He promotes his interests with real estate brokers, small town police departments, county officials, and back room deals. He may cheat on his wife and drink too much with a “how dare you find me out” demeanor. He lies about his opponents and ridiculously fanes humility while inwardly plotting how he is going to get his next narcissistic supply.

Libertarianism is getting popular with thoughts of “let people do what they want and let individuals just take care of themselves”. This is the mantra of many ex-conservatives because they do see the messy trail progressivism has left behind but what the libertarians do not see is the utilitarian individualism that is housing their foundation. This republic worked for so long because it was based on the common good, which demanded that citizens take an interest in the welfare of others. YOU are your brothers keeper. It defended the unborn and protected marriage between one man and one woman. This republic let folks have their preferences but did not let it dictate the culture. It understand restraint in its own movement forward for the sake of future generations.

For those Americans who thought all day compulsory education would lead to a great competing country on a global scale ...yeah, that didn’t happen either. Instead, the opposite has happened. We are shoving our babes off to school by the age of three to be “educated”. The proof of such an experiment has been a dismal failure. We are importing qualified employees from other countries to compensate for our own lack of quality skilled technicians. The main concern is not the education of the child but whether the school gets funding from the state and federal government. If a child misses a day, the school doesn’t get that child’s payment from the state for that calendar day. If that is what is so important to the schools, we are sicker than we thought. Not many tenured teachers are very impressive anymore, let alone the young teachers that have no idea what real learning is and how to instill that in their students. Even those professing to promote a classical education are dismally aware of what that even entails.

For those of you who thought your continual weekend getaways, drunken dinner parties, Xbox gaming, channel surfing, pornography.... would never harm anyone, has. It has taken a toll on your America to such a point that one no longer recognizes her. This is not the America the founding fathers left in your stead. They were adamant that a strong America only exists when the people are other-oriented and virtuous. Passively pushing the buck to someone else to take care of your country while declaring you are sick and tired of all the liberals is insane. Quite frankly, it is this type of self-indulgent mindset that got us into this mess in the first place.

Each generation, since the beginning of the American experiment, was not meant to be a substitute for those that started this nation (although, I would relish that idea now). Each generation was to rally the moral imagination anew, strive for excellence in thought and deed, and remember that Rome would burn again if forsaken for self-interest.

The Sharpton’s of the world are able to do what they do because the Americans, who claim to love this nation, only love their stuff and want to be left alone. They want their drink of choice, their game of the night, and have forsaken their own children with smart phones. The Pelosi’s are voted in again and again because we could care less what goes on in Washington as long as no one fusses over our life choices, life comforts, and addictions. The Alinsky push will keep pushing its ideology because the reality of what learning is is not worth the effort and we just want someone else to deal with the disgruntled “Move On” transients and gold diggers.

Rome is burning and it is not the fault of the Sharpton’s of the world. We expect folks like that to gain some notoriety every so often but not to be one of the prime instigators. Good men did nothing for far too long. They passed the buck and dodged the call to participate in life’s challenges. They continue to stand down to responsibility and stand strong in indignation toward those they find “below them” or “immoral”. Such a sad way to end the great American experiment: By the very ones that claimed to be the best citizens.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pulled by Naturalism: horizontally dead....

 July 12, 2014

Pulled by Naturalism: horizontally dead-----

Modern man is having a rough time discerning the sign of the times and that is in part due to Naturalism's pull to stay within the perimeters of a materialistic utilitarian existence. The transcendent truth of a great Love, which longs to cherish each human person personally is amiss in the swelling culture of rationalism, emotionalism, and self-gratification. Not even Descartes could have seen the future for what it has become today. He could not stomach the vast abyss between man’s dependence on matter and his lack of dependence on sanctifying grace. Although, Descartes saw rationalism as a triumph, he still worshiped the One true God until his dying day. Getting to the core of something observable or mathematically or dissecting parts until the whole is seen was and is a great triumph for the Cartesian or Naturalist and Descartes was fine with putting God in another room, other than the lab, until his science portion of the day had ended. Today, God is kept from all rooms.

Aristotle would say that life is much more lived when we discover the divine imperfectly. When that route is taken, we really make discoveries because it is in right relation to reality and our connection to the Creator; not on a Cartesian or pantheistic course. The Divine’s omnipotence will lead us to the right discoveries at the right time. Is it submission? Yes. Is it ordered according to Someone else other than our own mind? Yes. Is it subject to ethical discernment under the law of God? Yes. Does it require a detachment from using any means to reach a desired end? Yes. But I wonder, when there was a great surge in art and science, man was very much in love with the Creator and directed his efforts vertically. Even before Michelangelo’s time, the so-called cold middle ages boomed with vertical living. Music’s notation, self-governmental ideas,  Gothic cathedrals, Giotto, medicine, philosophy, astronomy, guilds, apprentices, hospitals, orphanages....Wow! Many readily wanted to live a life in accordance with their Creator. Since Heaven was considered to be “up” then man must look vertically; Not at oneself for meaning but toward something Divine, and that Divine cared about the work man was doing.

It is hard to imagine such a society today. With the advent of the Renaissance and every age afterwards, man has lived more and more horizontally, if not actually tilting toward a descent downward. Can we turn as a whole nation toward:

“All Being within this order, by the laws
of its own nature is impelled to find
its proper station round its Primal Cause.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Higher Edumicated Thinking Humans
(Don't Pay for College Insanity and Astronomical Tuition Costs)
June 21, 2014

 University and College costs are no longer considered high. They are seen as an astronomical insanity. It is insane to pay for college costs that will take decades to pay back. It is literally insane to continue down a federally implemented loan structure where academia sarcastic progressive elites and greedy federal interests pocket the tax payers hard earned dollars, while families go broke. Those that take on these loans are like frogs in simmering pots, who are smiling and croaking culturally faddish tunes in complete oblivion to the choke hold coming their way. It is not so much their fault because our whole country is on the same hellish ride pretending that the bolts that have come loose on the ride will never effect them even though they are all crashing on the same hellish ride.

Besides the growing costs of governmental student loans, the idea of what a university is supposed to be is now in question. True universities teach a student ideas that help one grow in his life as a citizen, as a statesman, and as a child of God. Degrees have become nothing more than a way to administer facts about specific careers. Great noble ideas are left out of the college curriculum and this has defiled the word "university". This battleground of life is worth hacking over whether one pays over a hundred thousand dollars for an education not worth a penny compared to a true university.

 Bachelor degrees are now considered passe when put beside the master's degree because of the fact that a larger portion of society possess bachelor degrees than in the past. More people are actually getting PhD's because more people have master's degrees. As the jobs decrease and the over qualified job seekers are a dime a dozen, the competition increases---leaving us wondering, "Was the degree ever worth it in the first place?"

What options do students and parents have right now? Firstly, partner together as a family and agree that there is no easy fix. If college is the mode to get the student where he wants to be in the future, then costs can be eased when the student gets good grades in high school, studies to increase his/her scores on the SAT, goes through the FAFSA process, keeps a transcript resume during high school, does not expect luxuries while in college, works part time, and stays the course while in college (no heavy drinking, studies for tests, maintains a schedule).

Parents should help curtail some of the costs. Maybe mom can get a part time job to help with costs. Maybe some of that savings for a specific luxury, such as a sail boat, would be better spent on your child's education. Help with the FAFSA process, take the child to visit  potential colleges that cater to his/her interests that are economically within your budget, explore in state scholarships. Let your child know that this is a team effort and everyone in the family plays a role.

Having said that, is college right for everyone? Many entrepreneurs left school to pursue an idea and made it work with vision and perseverance. Some of those successful business people went back to night school or took online classes to hone in on specific skills or complete certain certifications that enabled them to grow their business. Options are available and one option is the apprentice/mentor idea. If you know without a doubt what you want to do with your life then start now. Find an expert you can trust in that field and ask them if you can help run errands, watch and take notes, get a list of resources (books or other people) that they believe will help you increase your knowledge in that  particular field.

Would technical classes be a better option? Maybe one or two years of computer, business, or sales classes is all that is needed to help the student earn a living in a field. Starting the college conversation with friends and family should include these ideas. It is a great way to broaden the scope of what is available and may help alleviate the pressure of what is "expected". Too often, we define ourselves by what society is doing and expecting, rather than what our own gifts and talents are. Seeking meaning in our work does not come because we followed the Jones'. It comes when we find joy in being what we were created to do (our work) with the short time we have on this planet.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

 Dumb and Dumber: US Government and the Media
June 14, 2014

Dumbest idea comes from: our government. No surprise there.

  The journalist's (I use the term loosely) premise blames the senate if they do not vote in favor of raising American billionaires' taxes to cover the cost of some of the student loan interest rates. This is, of course, an absurd thing to do but makes perfect sense to media liberals.

The "skyrocketing" costs she speaks of actually come from the federal governments involvement in the whole racketeering of student loans, overpaid liberal tenured professors, and unnecessary new buildings on campuses that have some idiots name engraved on the outside wall.

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said this would be "a basic question on our values". On? Values? No it isn't. It is a ridiculous way for our government to squeeze more money out of people smart enough to start an idea who employ thousands of Americans. The federal government started this mess and it should bear the burden of cleaning it up, not the taxpayer.

Refinancing student loans is simple. If the government actually implements a budget that cuts waste and deletes all the frills higher paid federal employees receive (not including the military), then the interest rate can be cut in half. Secondly, turn future student loans over to the free market RIGHT NOW.

The journalist ends the article by saying that Congress voted for the billionaires that day. Well, her liberal progressive mindset got in the last opinion line, which unfortunately, is the thinking process of many modern folks, who cannot process logic and truth at the same time. Opinions mixed with emotionalism do not equal truth. And that is where we find the state America is in right now.