Sunday, September 28, 2014

 Love is a Fiat
The Economics of Life and Love

A recent article titled, “I’ve Changed My Mind, Sodom is About Inhospitality” 
( points to the differences between Abraham’s hospitality and Sodom’s inhospitality. There are some very good points in the article but it misses a beat: a very important beat. When we read Tom Jensen’s article, “Birth Control” ( something clicks; a totality of truth:

  • “Bishop Fulton Sheen said, "The love between spouses is so real and so tangible that in nine months, you might have to give it a name." Spouses should realize that marital love is a participation in God’s creative act and that babies are good, not burdens to be avoided at all costs; especially the cost of poisoning women with dangerous chemicals so they can be available for sexual pleasure. Medicine is for sick people, not healthy people. Pregnancy and motherhood are not diseases.”

Man craves union but will slide from certain unions that demand transformation if his passions are distorted. In his desire for union, man seeks truly a bond of affirmation and love. It is innate in all of us because we are created out of love, by the one who is Love. Those that agree with that statement will want to explore the aspect of “rejection” more thoroughly with relation to Love itself. One rejects the Creator when contraception is used. One in essence says, “I need and want this sex act but do not want the fruit that could potentially be co-created during the act.”

Males who embrace God’s will, will want to reconsider his wife’s use of contraception. If you are willing to put her in harms way for your personal gratification, what does that say about your “cherishing” comment at the altar or your call to “love her as Christ love’s the church”? A switch in perception; a further opening in one’s life to truth, enlivens the souls desire for a pure love and a closer relationship to Love itself.

Women will want to remember their dignity in God’s eyes and the call to bind hearts for the greater glory of God. In essence, we are called to communicate what communion is to humanity. In our daily walk with modern man, we love with our words, our actions, and our union with God’s will. Let us bring to others what overflows from our union with God. In this communication, our union with a spouse asks for a complete giving that excludes contraception. In this way, we show our love for life and our openness to all children living in the world today and those that God wills to be born.

Both men and women give and embrace a fiat when they choose to walk with Christ. We allow the very words, “Be it done unto me according to Thy will” to be an organic mission statement. In truth, we accept Christ’s vision for the world and walk with Him, carrying our crosses and growing in the realization that those crosses were meticulously and uniquely made for each one of us so that we may know the Father. 

It may seem to one that life without contraception is too weighted and the cross to heavy.  But, in the end, you realize, some of those crosses you carried, were never given to you by the Creator; you let the world choose them for you. When we put down such supposed crosses we begin to walk with peace. Our unique and real crosses become doable and an odd sort of joy enlivens our step because our little world has opened up further still, blossoming into a communion that transcends earth and reaches Heaven.

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