Saturday, June 14, 2014

 Dumb and Dumber: US Government and the Media
June 14, 2014

Dumbest idea comes from: our government. No surprise there.

  The journalist's (I use the term loosely) premise blames the senate if they do not vote in favor of raising American billionaires' taxes to cover the cost of some of the student loan interest rates. This is, of course, an absurd thing to do but makes perfect sense to media liberals.

The "skyrocketing" costs she speaks of actually come from the federal governments involvement in the whole racketeering of student loans, overpaid liberal tenured professors, and unnecessary new buildings on campuses that have some idiots name engraved on the outside wall.

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said this would be "a basic question on our values". On? Values? No it isn't. It is a ridiculous way for our government to squeeze more money out of people smart enough to start an idea who employ thousands of Americans. The federal government started this mess and it should bear the burden of cleaning it up, not the taxpayer.

Refinancing student loans is simple. If the government actually implements a budget that cuts waste and deletes all the frills higher paid federal employees receive (not including the military), then the interest rate can be cut in half. Secondly, turn future student loans over to the free market RIGHT NOW.

The journalist ends the article by saying that Congress voted for the billionaires that day. Well, her liberal progressive mindset got in the last opinion line, which unfortunately, is the thinking process of many modern folks, who cannot process logic and truth at the same time. Opinions mixed with emotionalism do not equal truth. And that is where we find the state America is in right now.

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