Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ending the American Experiment

August 30, 2014
Ending the American Experiment

The economics of civic unrest, which escalates into a frenzied looters oasis, will hurt the poor more than it will the rich. No one is shocked to see the Sharpton’s of the world out in their defiant stance promoting violence, while our president once again manipulates Congress to increase his power. That is the Alinsky mindset and for those who were once mindful of what could occur under these conditions you are either:

1. Aware of the sign of the times and deeply understand what will happen if we do not, as a nation, come to our senses quickly.
2. Given up caring and no longer are able to discern the sign of the times. We have in a real sense, become our own worse enemies.

You can delete certain Republicans from the list of those who we once trusted to promote the common good. These modern fat cats have sold out time after time. Little sins add up to bigger sins and there is no better proof of such a fact than the modern Rino. He promotes his interests with real estate brokers, small town police departments, county officials, and back room deals. He may cheat on his wife and drink too much with a “how dare you find me out” demeanor. He lies about his opponents and ridiculously fanes humility while inwardly plotting how he is going to get his next narcissistic supply.

Libertarianism is getting popular with thoughts of “let people do what they want and let individuals just take care of themselves”. This is the mantra of many ex-conservatives because they do see the messy trail progressivism has left behind but what the libertarians do not see is the utilitarian individualism that is housing their foundation. This republic worked for so long because it was based on the common good, which demanded that citizens take an interest in the welfare of others. YOU are your brothers keeper. It defended the unborn and protected marriage between one man and one woman. This republic let folks have their preferences but did not let it dictate the culture. It understand restraint in its own movement forward for the sake of future generations.

For those Americans who thought all day compulsory education would lead to a great competing country on a global scale ...yeah, that didn’t happen either. Instead, the opposite has happened. We are shoving our babes off to school by the age of three to be “educated”. The proof of such an experiment has been a dismal failure. We are importing qualified employees from other countries to compensate for our own lack of quality skilled technicians. The main concern is not the education of the child but whether the school gets funding from the state and federal government. If a child misses a day, the school doesn’t get that child’s payment from the state for that calendar day. If that is what is so important to the schools, we are sicker than we thought. Not many tenured teachers are very impressive anymore, let alone the young teachers that have no idea what real learning is and how to instill that in their students. Even those professing to promote a classical education are dismally aware of what that even entails.

For those of you who thought your continual weekend getaways, drunken dinner parties, Xbox gaming, channel surfing, pornography.... would never harm anyone, has. It has taken a toll on your America to such a point that one no longer recognizes her. This is not the America the founding fathers left in your stead. They were adamant that a strong America only exists when the people are other-oriented and virtuous. Passively pushing the buck to someone else to take care of your country while declaring you are sick and tired of all the liberals is insane. Quite frankly, it is this type of self-indulgent mindset that got us into this mess in the first place.

Each generation, since the beginning of the American experiment, was not meant to be a substitute for those that started this nation (although, I would relish that idea now). Each generation was to rally the moral imagination anew, strive for excellence in thought and deed, and remember that Rome would burn again if forsaken for self-interest.

The Sharpton’s of the world are able to do what they do because the Americans, who claim to love this nation, only love their stuff and want to be left alone. They want their drink of choice, their game of the night, and have forsaken their own children with smart phones. The Pelosi’s are voted in again and again because we could care less what goes on in Washington as long as no one fusses over our life choices, life comforts, and addictions. The Alinsky push will keep pushing its ideology because the reality of what learning is is not worth the effort and we just want someone else to deal with the disgruntled “Move On” transients and gold diggers.

Rome is burning and it is not the fault of the Sharpton’s of the world. We expect folks like that to gain some notoriety every so often but not to be one of the prime instigators. Good men did nothing for far too long. They passed the buck and dodged the call to participate in life’s challenges. They continue to stand down to responsibility and stand strong in indignation toward those they find “below them” or “immoral”. Such a sad way to end the great American experiment: By the very ones that claimed to be the best citizens.