Monday, June 24, 2013

 Liberal Logo Wording

Allan Clifton, a reporter with Forward Progressive, has a snidey sneery way of writing that borders on emotionalism, and is anything but journalistic in nature. These are the people we pray for and hope they come to love their fellow human beings and accept the fact that sometimes people are not going to believe what you believe or want what you want. He wants to put a new word out there in the new liberal lingo land of made-up words: Republicanity. I think he wants to combine the words Republican and Christianity. He lumps all his fears and anger onto this supposed cult for a purpose, one can only imagine. Scapegoating? 

The truth is that it does not matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat in the 21st century. Both parties want their pensions, medical insurance, gratuitous favors, time for self-seeking continual campaigning, and their names in headlines (no matter how silly their comments may appear to the masses).

A few facts about our political parties:  Democrats pushed a stimulus package that rewarded labor union leaders, pharmaceutical companies, and big business with huge bonuses and payoffs, to the reluctance of the conservative party.  There are some on Wall Street who benefitted from the Obama win and you will find they favor Democrats over Republicans 2 to 1 because of financial payoffs that come their way after an election. Richer states vote more Democratic than Republican. Republican’s volunteer and give more to charity than the Democrats.

Of the senators worth over 25 million dollars, more than three-fourths are Democrats. One thing is becoming apparently clear: The Democratic party likes power and they like other people’s money. They like to wine and dine with the heroes of the day; celebrities. If you can sing, dance, or appear to act in film you may get invited to a political dinner. Democrats seem to love hobnobbing with people that may not understand the difference between Plato or Aquinas but do understand the dance fashion for the week. 

Clifton does not want to know these facts because he is a progressive and progressives love to move change forward even if it means throwing out the baby with the bath water. In a recent rant, he asserts that Christ said nothing about abortion. I don’t believe Jesus mentions the words “bible” or “verbal abuse” but that does not mean that He does not know of them or have an opinion of each. Abortion kills life in a mother’s womb. Killing is a sin, is it not?  Even the horrible Planned Parenthood has conceded that a baby is a baby in the womb. However, they don’t mind, along with most liberals, that we kill those babies.

Moses, Barnabas, Tertullian, and Jerome mention or write of the horridness of abortion. Therefore, Clifton’s statement that Republicanicity is a cult with man-made beliefs would be false because clearly this issue is not a modern concern. It is a human concern, which concerns the souls of human beings and dates back to the beginnings of civilization.

A clarification needs to made here. Not all Republicans are pro-life and therefore, some Republicans think more like a progressive than a conservative. I would encourage Allan to make note of this fact while trying to write future articles. I would highly recommend that he take some courses from Hillsdale, Grove City, or the University of Dallas. If he cannot manage more college, then how about readings from Peter Kreeft, James Schall, and George William Rutler. These men have written clearly and extensively about issues that Clifton is deeply concerned with at the moment.

LaDawn Wilson

Sunday, June 23, 2013

May 22, 2013

Implosion Rant:

The United States is at a pivotal point in its deconstruction of its own constitution and its promotion of fiat money, inhumane killings of children, glorification of celebrities as heroes, immersion into the abyss of pornography, and the apathy of a rock. Fathers are not taking responsibility for their own actions, mothers are acting like teenage selfish brats, and our government is a self-serving band of nitwits.  Our country is on the brink of imploding due to its own disregard for the truth of its very existence.

“Imbalance results from ideologies which uphold the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation, and thus deny the right of control to States, which are themselves charged with providing for the common good. A new, invisible and at times virtual, tyranny is established, one which unilaterally and irremediably imposes its own laws and rules. Moreover, indebtedness and credit distance countries from their real economy and citizens from their real buying power. Added to this, as if it were needed, is widespread corruption and selfish fiscal evasion which have taken on worldwide dimensions. The will to power and of possession has become limitless....”, Pope Francis