Friday, January 6, 2012

Riddle: Can you spot the economic interplay?

To See the One

They move nearer,
from Tarshish, Arabia, and Seba.
A bright star shines a path for all and three
lighting the faces with wonder.
Soon, soon the caravan will enter the city of David.

Do they know of Daniel and Melchizedek
Have they studied the yesterday?
Bending an ear to holy words,
while traveling with earnestness.
Closer to the house of bread.

Bringing treasures that will astound
The peasants and devoted shepherds.
The child will see these troves
but look to the hearts that lay them low.
Piercing crimson arrows of love.

They are of the few
who took the time,
to see the One,
Who will be at the wedding and in the water
It is not a fantasy nor for the weak of soul.

Listen, they approach
Camels’ hoofs draw near
Regal garments for wise men indeed
Turbans spun from threads of gold
Alas, they have come to see the One.

Down they descend with great awe
Not knowing just how to draw near
The great wise men are now the servants
Little and lowly with humble nods
Evermore having faith?

Glory of glories
Servant of servants
Purest of all,
a babe in a stable
Blessing the night and all nights to come.

LaDawn Wilson