Friday, February 4, 2011

Let's Get Started!

MaterMax Blog
Maximum Economics in the Social World!!!
Young adults everywhere want to know why the job market has left them behind and what they can do about it. Well, that was the age range until recently. It does not matter if you are middle aged, on the verge of retirement, or a young whipper snapper searching for that great entry level career start. This economy sucks, period.
Why? Why is it so hard to find a job? Because, my friends, the jobs are not to be found like they were a few short years ago. I know this may come as a surprise to many of you who thought that pumping billions of dollars into the economy would jump start some fanatical economic growth for our good old USA. Those who invest in new business saw the writing on the wall and it wasn’t pretty. You cannot print money and pump it expecting smart men and women to buy the lie. That’s because they have common sense, which sadly to say, is like a bygone pastime that rarely sees the light of day anymore.
Common Sense is an awareness that things are what they are and are not what they are not. Ah, you say, but my reality is my reality and your reality is your reality. Really? What is 2+2? It is not 5 and we both know this to be true.  Truth is truth. This economy sucks. Period.
That does not mean that we should throw in the towel and give up. Be aware and be alert. Opportunities abound around every word you hear and every sight you see. What is the next hip rap or rad t-shirt design?  People still want things. They just can’t have it all- all the time. And really, is that such a bad thing for our young whipper snappers to learn once again? Learning that saving for a rainy day might keep bread in the pantry, that using a towel twice saves water and electricity, that getting a minimum wage job does not kill your chances of being asked to the prom, or that self-identity is not defined by how often you go to the mall that week. Sadly to say, many adults who have been around awhile need to be reminded of these words, too. Myself included.
This blog is about finding the opportunities and discovering our own unique way to utilize the resources out there. You are your greatest resource right now.
LaDawn Wilson